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Keenan Te Discusses 'Unlearn You' on Deep Dive

Posted By: Christian Bonoan
Post Date: October 2, 2023

MYXclusive: Deep Dive is our new segment where we give artists a platform to break down their lyrics from their favorite songs. In one of our latest episodes, we sat down with Filipino-Australian Keenan Te who broke down the inspiration of one of his most vulnerable tracks. During the conversation with VJ Samm, Te painted the picture of the creative process behind his lead single “Unlearn You” from his debut EP “Phases”! Not only does he explain the memories and emotions that lead up to making "Unlearn You," but he also performs parts of the song for us.

If you're interested in catching Keenan Te live, he'll be performing at 1MX Sydney Music Festival together with William Singe, Dami Im, KZ Tandingan, Ben&Ben, Milky Day, BINI, and Maymay Entrata on October 8, at the Hordern Pavilion! You can also listen to a full version of "Unlearn You" below!

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