The popular digital series, MTV's Following showed us the life of one of our faves, Bretman Rock and his life in Hawai'i. Season 1 showed us his new home, who are his closest friends and family including his sister, Princess Mae, his mother, and his besties. Now in Season 2, Bretman's career continues to grow and boom but sometimes that comes at the cost of family time.
According to MTV, the first episode focuses on the sibling relationship or lack of a relationship between Bretman and Princess Mae. "After a year of professional growth and success, Bretman Rock’s personal life crashes down around him. In order to heal the strained relationship with his sister, Princess Mae, they turn to therapy for answers. But can they overcome their differences long enough for Bretman to help Princess move into her dream home?"
Catch six new episodes this season dropping on Mondays on MTV social channels!
Cover Photo Credit: MTV Following Instagram