The Fresh 5 is a weekly radio show that features five of the hottest songs from around the world, hosted by DannieBoi. Discover fresh music first from around the world to add to your Spotify playlists & tag @myxglobal on social media for your favorite picks of the week. You'll see these songs soon on your global music charts!
Here's our picks of the week of 1/8/2021:
5. Maximillian x Moira Dela Torre "Beautiful Scars" - Maximillian and Moira's acoustic surprise for their Filipino Fans!
4. Blackbear & Wiz Khalifa "CHEERS" - Cheers to a new track from Blackbear and Wiz Khalifa!
3. Eminem "Gnat" - Slim Shady is back!
2. Black Eyed Peas, Shakira "Girl Like Me" - There's nothing like the Queen of Latin Music and Black Eyed Peas!
1. Justin Bieber "Anyone" - Hailey is one lucky woman! Listen to Justin's first release this year!
Find out what’s on the Fresh 5 next week! "Fresh Five" airs every Friday, 6:30PM PT, hosted by DannieBoi.
Let us know your favorite songs by tagging @myxglobal on Instagram/Twitter and stay tuned in to myxRADIO on Dash Radio.