Need something to add to your watchlist this week? Tune in to Disney+ and catch the episode of Marvel Studios' Assembled: The Making of Hawkeye. The hour-long episode takes you behind the scenes with the actors, crew, and production heads in creating this action-packed series.
Hailee Steinfeld plays Kate Bishop and is the younger, eager partner of the veteran Avenger, Hawkeye played by Jeremy Renner. Catch Hailee Steinfeld share her experience and training regime in becoming Kate Bishop. Did you know that Marvel executive, Kevin Feige immediately had Hailee in mind for Kate? They talk about how it all happened over one meeting.
Wonder how they pulled off that Christmas tree stunt in Times Square? Find out how the production crew rebuilt the set and brought the snowy Christmas spirit to Atlanta! Go beyond the bow and see how Hailee works her way into the Marvel universe with guidance from a legendary Avenger.
Cover Photo Credit: Hailee Steinfeld Instagram