Co-Authors Monica and Eric Tuy wrote the children's book "My Pinsans & Me: Amara's Talent Show" in the fall of 2020 (before they even knew they were pregnant). "Pinsans" is the Filipino word for "cousins." The inspiration initially came from their good friend, Brandon, who wrote a book for his daughter called E is for Engineer: ABC's for Future Builders that introduces Science, Technology and Math (STEM) terms using the alphabet. While they racked their brains for ideas, they kept coming back to their childhood memories. Monica grew up very close to her cousins ("pinsans" in Tagalog) who were her first friends in life. Four of their Canlas families lived in three adjacent towns, only ten minutes away from one another. They spent every weekend and holiday together. They played SPUD until the sun came down, they hosted Snoopy parades in her parents' backyard, and performed songs and dances for their Lola (Grandmother). These memories defined what she believe a happy childhood should be and became the basis for why they moved back home to grow their family. They say you should "write what you know", and Monica memorialized her special childhood with the book, MPAM.
Their dream for this book is two-fold: to empower Filipino-American children by seeing themselves in a book and to expand the worldviews of non-Filipino families by seeing people who are different from them represented. Only about 20% of all children's books depict a main character from a non-white background. They hope that taking the chance on writing and self-publishing "My Pinsans & Me" plays a part in correcting this imbalance in diversity. Their book is now available for pre-order on and will be released on 4/28! This pre-sale period is very important so that Amazon will have enough inventory come 4/28.
Their Amazon pre-sale activity is vital to the stock status and overall selling success of the book. So please don't wait to order your copy--order it now! Gift a copy to your kids, nieces, nephews, friends' children, etc. Consider donating a copy to your children's classrooms or local schools and libraries to add color to their bookshelves. Representation matters and they think a lot of us wish a book like this existed when they were younger.
Monica's younger brother Joseph illustrated the book! This labor of love was created for their family and with their family. Isn't this the heart and very core of Filipino culture? They are so incredibly proud of this book and hope everyone will be, too.
Please help us spread the word by telling your friends, forwarding their pre-sale link, and re-sharing their @mypinsansandme social posts. Please be sure to follow them on Instagram for book updates, raffles, giveaways, and other exciting things they are working on.