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Olivia Rodrigo Talks About Her Next Move with Vogue

Posted By: Danielle Domingo
Post Date: July 11, 2023

If you haven't heard Olivia Rodrigo's newest single, Vampire yet you're definitely missing out. She'll have you hooked on its catchy chorus in no time.

The singer-songwriter is starting a new chapter in her career as she sets to release her next album, GUTS. Olivia chats with Vogue about experiencing life in New York and what to expect from her album. "There were two wrenching, cinematic ballads, but they were crafted with a new self-​assurance. The other two tracks were playful and insouciant—​indications, Nigro said, of this album’s turn away from melancholy."

She's been writing a lot by herself and now her songs are coming from growth. It's going through the process of life and Olivia's way to let it all go is to keep writing songs for herself or other people. Find out more details with her 73 questions with Vogue.

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