The anime series Trese is set to premiere on Netflix this year. It's based on the award-winning Filipino graphic novel created by Budjette Tan and KaJO Baldisimo. According to Netflix, the series takes place as Alexandra Trese is protecting Manila from a supernatural threat. Netflix also recently announced that Filipina actress Liza Soberano will voice Alexandra Trese in the Filipino language version of the series while Fil-Canadian Shay Mitchell will be the voice in the English version.
According to, Shay says Philippine folklore is rich and fascinating.
“I’m so excited to be a part of a unique and amazing project like Trese, and to voice a character as brilliant as Alexandra Trese. Philippine folklore is rich and fascinating, and I am thrilled to be a part of the team bringing this story to life,” said Mitchell.
The Trese team composed of executive producer Jay Olivia and producers Shanty Harmayn and Tanya Yuson are excited to have Liza and Shay on the roster:
"Shay’s Alexandra exceeded my expectations and she delivers a performance of strength, determination and family duty that is at the very core of the character."
"Having Liza play Alexandra Trese for the series makes this project even more special to me and my team!"
Cover Photo Credit: NetflixPH Facebook