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Jules Aurora takes on our MYXed Bag filled with your Fan Questions! We get to know Jules even more. What three things would she bring if was stuck on an island? What’s her go-to favorite Filipino snack? Would she ever want to work in the Philippines? Check out her answers in this video and don't forget to check out her MYX Traks episode here.

About MYXed Bag:

MYXed Bag takes your favorite celebrity and puts them in the hot seat, answering your fan-generated questions from our MYXed Bag. The new MYX digital show gives the fans the opportunity to submit questions for the show via the MYX Global website. So, look out for our next MYXed Bag. 

Watch. Listen. Experience.

MYX gives you access to music centric content and entertainment by Filipino and Asian artists through a multi-platform experience. MYX is the best place to discover new artists alongside internationally renowned artists, and watch live TV, stream original shows, listen to online radio stations, and be front and center at events trending in America, Canada, Philippines and the world.
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