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The Philippine mythological creature, Kapre is making an international debut on Hulu's horror anthology, Bite Size Halloween. The tree-dwelling giant is featured in the short film, "The Kapre," which is one of the 20 episodes in the spooky series' third season.

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Directed by Carlo Ledesma, “The Kapre” stars Tippy Dos Santos and Nico Locco as “two unsuspecting Americans [who] awaken a large and legendary creature while camping in an enchanted Philippine forest.”

As a Filipino filmmaker it’s always been a dream of mine to share our myths and monsters to a global audience.


“And thanks to an amazing dream team cast and crew, we were able to bring our hundred foot giant to life. So world, meet The Kapre. The Philippine version of Bigfoot. He’s nice once ya get to know him,” he wrote. We look forward to seeing more Philippine mythology and representation on-screen.

Cover Photo Credit: Tippy Dos Santos Instagram

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