The beloved animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender is switching gears as a live series. The popular Nickelodeon's animated television show aired from 2005 to 2008. The live series is spearheaded by Netflix with Fil-Canadian young actor Gordon Cormier as the lead character, Aang. Cormier is 11 years old and a Vancouver native who's relatively new to the industry. His latest roles includes The Stand from Paramount+ and Netflix's Lost in Space. Joining Cormier as part of the cast are Kiawentiio as Katara, Ian Ousley as Sokka , and Dallas Liu as Zuko (Fil-Am Dante Basco was the voice of Zuko in the animated series).
The Netflix series follows Aang, a boy who happens to be the last airbender on earth. An airbending prodigy, Aang is a reluctant hero, struggling to deal with the burden of his duties while still holding on to his adventurous and playful nature. He's been frozen in an iceberg for 100 years and meets new friends after he's been discovered by waterbender siblings Katara and Sokka. Aang is joined by a group of young heroes as he gains the powers to manipulate the four elements of air, water, earth and fire to become the Avatar in order to save the world.
According to Deadline, Albert Kim (Sleepy Hollow, Nikita) will serve as showrunner, executive producer and writer of the series with Rideback’s Dan Lin (The Lego Movie, Aladdin) and Lindsey Liberatore (Walker) executive producing, along with Michael Goi (Swamp Thing, American Horror Story). Roseanne Liang is co-executive producer and Goi, Roseanne Liang and Jabbar Raisani will serve as directors.
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