The animated series on Disney Junior, Firebuds premiered this year and highlights the role of first responders and their families. The young friends of first responders come from all walks of life, but the exciting aspect of the show is the spotlight of Filipino families. One of the main characters, Bo Bayani from Gearbox Grove connects with his family who are all first responders.
This is the first time a Disney kids animation features a Filipino lead. However, Bo isn't the only Fil-Am character on the series. One of his best friends, Violet, is also of Japanese and Filipino background. She was adopted by her two moms making it one of the few times a same-sex couple is featured on a children's show.
Bo's family are all part of the first responder family. His dad is Fire Chief Bill Bayani voiced by Fil-Am actor Lou Diamond Philips. It also features his grandpa and retired fire chief, Lolo Ben and Lola Belen where they make the Filipino dish, lumpia together. A fun aspect of the show are the tributes to Filipino culture like having a talking truck called, Jipney that has a disco ball and karaoke machine. Catch all it all on Disney+
Cover Photo Credit: Disney Junior Instagram