The Fresh 5 is a weekly Livestream show that features five of the hottest songs from around the world, hosted by DannieBoi. Every Friday at 9pm PST, Every Saturday at 1pm PHT. Discover fresh music first from around the world to add to your Spotify playlists & tag @myxglobal on social media for your favorite picks of the week. You'll see these songs soon on your global music charts!
Here's our picks of the week of 2/19/2021:
5. Ariana Grande ft. Doja Cat & Megan Thee Stallion "34+35 Remix" - Three cheers for this big collaboration!
4. Inigo Pascual, Moophs "All Out Of Love" - Air Supply's classic hit with a twist!
3. Nadine Lustre "Wildest Dreams Remix" - Nadine is serving us some visuals with her Wildest Dreams' remix!
2. G Eazy ft. Chris Brown & Mark Morrison "Provide" - A total Hitmaka! Let's all vibe with G Eazy, Chris Brown and Mark Morrison.
1. Guapdad 4000 & !llmind "How Many" - Listen to Fil-Am Rapper Guapdad 4000's new masterpiece featuring !llmind.
Find out what’s on the list next week!
Catch Fresh 5 LIVE on and kumu @myxglobal! Friday nights at 9PM PST/ Saturday afternoon at 1PM PHT.
Let us know your favorite songs by tagging @myxglobal on Instagram/Twitter.