The Fresh 5 is a weekly show that features five of the hottest songs from around the world, hosted by DannieBoi. Discover fresh music first from around the world to add to your Spotify playlists & tag @myxglobal on social media for your favorite picks of the week. You'll see these songs soon on your global music charts!
Here's our picks of the week of 2/5/2021:
5. Stephanie Poetri "How We Used To" - The latest single to her new EP, AM : PM.
4. Christian Bautista "This I Promise You" - Asia's Romantic Balladeer covers the classic NSYNC song.
3. Kara Marni "Trippin" - R&B and Soul? Kara Marni got us daydreaming.
2. Jason Derulo Ft. Adam Levine "Lifestyle" - The "Savage Love" hitmaker collaborates with Maroon 5's Adam Levine!
Find out what’s on the list next week!
Catch Fresh 5 LIVE on and kumu @myxglobal! Friday nights at 9PM PST/ Saturday afternoon at 1PM PHT.
Let us know your favorite songs by tagging @myxglobal on Instagram/Twitter.