“Here Lies Love” just opened at New York City’s Broadway Theater and the groundbreaking play features an entirely Filipino cast with a majority of Filipino producers. The musical stars Lea Salonga, who despite being no stranger to broadway plays, is playing a Filipino for the first time on stage. Salonga also acted as a producer for the play. Filipino-American singer H.E.R. also makes her debut as a broadway producer on “Here Lies Love.”
In total, 21 Filpinos make up the cast for the play. They include: Arielle Jacobs, Jose Llana, Conrad Ricamora, Melanie Butiu, Moses Villarama, Jasmine Forsberg, Reanne Acasion, Jaygee Macapugay, Julia Abueva, Renée Albulario, Aaron Alcaraz, Carol Angeli, Nathan Angelo, Kristina Doucette, Roy Flores, Timothy Matthew Flores, Sarah Kay, Jeigh Madjus, AJ Mercado, Geena Quintos, Shea Renne, and Angelo Soriano.
You can find more information about “Here Lies Love,” including ticket information on their official website.
Photo Courtesy of Here Lies Love's Facebook