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Liza Soberano and Issa Pressman Sign with Careless Music

Posted By: Danielle Domingo
Post Date: June 21, 2022

The Careless Music family is growing. New signees, Liza Soberano and Issa Pressman are looking to venture into a new part of their careers. The independent record label is a force of nature in fostering fresh unknown talent from all over the Philippines, but also encourages artists to step into the unknown and encourage new journeys.

Liza Soberano said she is looking forward to working with the record label known for taking care of “young talent.” The young actress says, “The fact that they work with young creatives -- I’m currently 24 -- so it’s very exciting and encouraging to see a lot of people pursuing their dreams and passion at a very young age in a way that they wanna do it.” She's at a turning point in her career where she'd like to have more control over the projects she does and meeting James Reid's team boosted her confidence in trying new things. “I also wanted to work with people my age to be honest … and when I met James and his team it really made me even more excited to work with because their team is so young, so creative and they are so fearless to take risks and try to chase after things that we would think is impossible,” she added.

Issa Pressman, another talented actress, and artist is another addition to the Careless team. She looks to lean more towards her singing career and trusts the team to carry her forward. “It’s something that I could focus on and I want something that my heart had. (At first,) I don’t wanna show it but my heart was in it, my soul was in it and I’m happy doing it. So, I needed help and growth and I think I could do it with them,” Issa says.

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